LONDON: Pop sensation Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber have been named the most charitable stars of 2011. Hitmakera 25 years of age "Juds' who is a gay rights activist vocal, reached number one celebrity gone up Good list of 20 compiled by, which praises stars for his philanthropic efforts in the last 12 months, reported Femalefirst online.
'Baby' singer Bieber said the second, made a few days before Christmas trip to visit a local food bank in his native Canada.
The singer, 17 years old, is also a supporter of the charity pencils for children of promise, as he has pledged to donate a portion of the proceeds from his newly released Christmas album, "under the mistletoe, the charity.
Hollywood actor George Clooney was in third place, ahead of Will Smith and wife Jada and ecological star Leonardo DiCaprio. Philanthropic couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie came in the eighth.

The singer, 17 years old, is also a supporter of the charity pencils for children of promise, as he has pledged to donate a portion of the proceeds from his newly released Christmas album, "under the mistletoe, the charity.
Hollywood actor George Clooney was in third place, ahead of Will Smith and wife Jada and ecological star Leonardo DiCaprio. Philanthropic couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie came in the eighth.
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