Biebs blown rehearsal of bed, putting a good, old-fashioned holiday havoc in the normal clock mechanism for creating a "Christmas in Washington," the annual concert of pop is detected in the city center.
Along with the sleepy teen superstar, a bill this year include Oscar Jennifer Hudson, all over the country ubiquitous trio of Perry, Nickelodeon star Victoria Justice and Cee Lo Green of "[Forget] You" fame, and placed in the first Conan O'Brien said. Among the 999 guests were present: President Obama, first lady, first daughter and first grandmother Marian Robinson.

Executive producer George Stevens Jr. (sunglasses amber, cable-knit sweater the color of grapefruit juice) and the producer and director Michael Stevens (casual jeans, jacket so bad) are affected. The father and son team are fresh production on Sunday Kennedy Center Honor, another TV show populated by musicians who follow the duo "a little something for everyone" credo.
"This show, like all music shows really needs to evolve with the way the music business is evolving," Stevens, the youngest in the essay says. With the music business ever fall, which means coupled to the hyper-telegenic star magnetism on the screen - either on Nickelodeon (Justice), "The Voice" (green) in a winning role Oscar (Hudson) or a 3 - D concert film (Bieber). They also have to be able to really sing.
"Christmas in Washington" celebrates its 30th anniversary and 30 years of support for the Centre for Children's National Medical. O'Brien says that during the race-through and explains later the true meaning of Christmas: "We celebrate the miracle birth of a child loved by millions around the world ... Justin Bieber. "
Then a woman who is certainly not Bieber is the new song of the young reggae tinged single "Gui" with flying colors. When the kid is going to appear? Bieber made his television debut in "Christmas in Washington" two Decembers ago, when few people knew his name. President accidentally called him "Justin Bye-ber." Twenty-four months, millions of albums and a few inches in height later, it is the highest heights of popularity pop.
So no pressure, 18, Victoria Justice, to prepare for the release of your debut album next year. "I'm a little nervous," she said backstage in a tone that indicates she is not nervous at all.
Not the case for Gudzon.Rodnogo Chicago says she "lost track" of how many times it is carried out for Obama, "but each time feels like the first time, and I get concerned." And she did not want to miss this opportunity: "I always watch it at home on TV, and [I], as:" Why am I not there? "
The chances of missing the show Perry is unlikely, given their superhuman abilities to materialize in a televised event like this. In recent weeks, three brothers, the country appeared at the White House, the American Music Awards, Grammy nominations concert-announcement of the American Country Music Awards and the country's Association Awards.
Tonight, they're doing Bing Crosby: "I'll be home for Christmas," a song they're trying to make come true. "If something comes up," said Reid Perry.
When Bieber walks into his dressing room shortly after 3 o'clock, sighs of relief really heard. He has a girlfriend Selena Gomez on her hand and smile on his face - he did not have the carefree last time he was here. Bieber said his "Christmas in Washington" debut two years ago was also the first time that he was nervous about performing. Of course, it is more familiar with butterflies since decorating "Saturday Night Live" and the Grammy Awards.
"Not really, no," Bieber says later in the greenroom. "It was kind of smooth after that. Nothing is so nervous, like running for president."
By 6:45, Obama took their places, as well as Vice President Biden, Jill Biden, Sen. Tom Harkin, Wolf Blitzer and the like. O'Brien is hilarious. Green crying. Bieber zaklinatel.Perri elegant. At one point in her performance, Hudson grabs her sequined dress as if it had a hurricane pipe wassailing her somewhere against her will.
A full orchestra and three choirs are growing back: Washington Youth Choir, the Choir of the American Family and the U.S. Naval Academy Glee Club, which opened the show singing, Christmas is the perfect time to be in Washington, DC On paper, those lyrics sound ridiculous. Does anyone eggnog goes across the hall in December of this year? However, in the halls of the National Building Museum, with great singers singing great, the words actually feels real.
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