Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Justin Bieber Prices In NJR

With awards season in full swing, a number of big names in the music industry went to the Palais des Festivals in Cannes on the Cote d'Azur French NRJ Awards. Adele, Rihanna and Justin Bieber took all the trophies.

". Someone Like You "Adele won two awards at the home of the International Revelation of the Year and Song of the Year LMFAO also won two awards: best music video for" Rock Party Anthem "and the International Group / Duo of the year. The guys in the song of the show with his party track "sexy and I know."

Rihanna won international female solo artist and later took to Twitter to thank for recognition. "Thank you very much and my FRENCHNavy NRJ # and all the fans who voted for their great support!" She wrote. "I love you always InternationalFemaleOftheYearNRJ #".

Shakira won the honor and NRJ Bieber won the male version of the award. The teen star of the scene in his jacket baby blue and black jeans, told the chamber: .. "I am delighted to be here, I want all my fans because they are so amazing to me what a different song want to be French. I have a song in French, but I want to do something more perfect French and hope. The language of my mother is French. "

Later on Twitter: "I never thought I would never leave Stratford and I am now taking place in France is never old Ilovemyfans # eternally grateful .."

Other winners included the Francophonie (French) Keen V of the Year and Male Artist of the year in French, M. Pokora. Mika won the International Male Artist of the year, while Shy'm won for the French artist of the year. French song of the year went to "a number of gaps in the laws," who led by M Pokora. Simple Plan and Marie-Mai captured Francophone group / duo of the year, while Mylène Farmer won the Diamond NRJ.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

What Does Justin Bieber Bummed?

Justin Bieber has it all: pop star, a thriving film career, a loving family and a beautiful girlfriend. But one thing that Bieber will not be able to do, and it breaks my heart. What does our child on the floor?

Bieber is devastated that will never be able to share the stage with Michael Jackson. After her performance in Jackson's hand and footprint ceremony, Bieber spoke with Access Hollywood about Jackson's influence on him and his music.

"He was an inspiration not only to me but for my family and everyone around me," said Bieber. "It was more than that. He gave me hope. He was an icon. Every time I go on stage, every time I go to do, I'm trying to be the best. And that's what they always did. Never going to be another Michael Jackson, as long as anyone's life. "

When the inevitable comparisons between Bieber and Jackson rose, Bieber not compare with the icon - only more melancholy expressed admiration for Jackson. "You know what I wish I had been reunited with him," said Bieber. "It was very sad, you know as soon as I released my first single was the past week, so it was really sad ... very sad. That was a person who just wanted to know."

                 Watch Justin Bieber Talk About Michael Jackson

Sources: Pop Crush

Justin Bieber Helps Save 1,000 Lives

Justin Bieber To The Rescue On The Lung Transplant

There are many people, usually those over 30 years, crooner Justin Bieber is a little too goody two shoes to their liking. Helen Campbell, however, at 20, is the ideal age to see Bieber and hope it will help find a donor of organs for lung transplant she needs.

She asked friends to help raise awareness of organ donation and tissue Bieber was seeking support for his effort to sign the register of gifts. Thanks to a tweet, Bieber seemed magically cause with Campbell, providing more cynical, it is not just a pretty face.

When Bieber heard of dilemma, Campbell tweeted: "@ alungstory I got the word... You have incredible strength. I u. # BeAnOrganDonor." His tweets reached its 16,500,000 followers. The organizers of the Trillium Gift of Life Network, the provincial coordination of organ transplantation and tissue that, after Bieber tweeted Campbell to the cause, the website was inundated with responses.

"We were just amazed," said Ronnie Gavsie, CEO of Trillium. Since Thursday, after Bieber raised his voice in favor of Campbell, Trillium received 1200 entries. Normally, it receives 50 per day.

Campbell idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and is able to use only 24 percent of his lung capacity. Bieber support can help not only her but others who need organ transplants. As he sings in "Pray": "I ​​pray for those that do not breathe, I pray for all the souls I need, I pray, can you give 'em a day?"

Bieber is not a catchy to mumble a few words for the sole purpose to make girls weak. It's a standup guy, ready to use his fame to others. Congratulations Bieber.

Sources: The Star

Friday, 27 January 2012

Madame Tussauds Unveiled A New Wax Figure Of Justin Bieber

Madame Tussauds famous wax museum inside the Venetian Resort & Casino in Las Vegas unveiled a new wax figure of Justin Bieber Wednesday afternoon along with a new special t-shirts created by the Children's Club Boys and Girls Club BHT in Las Vegas.

The wax museum Justin Bieber recently sponsored a contest t-shirt, with Kirvin Doak Communications, and opted for the design of the shirts below, that the members of the Ralph Engelstad & Boys & Girls Club Betty wore in the presentation.

Madame Tussauds Twitter page posted the message: "Thanks to everyone who came out to see the wax figure of @ justinbieber and exit @ BGCLV winning t-shirt design! # BieberFeverLV," after the event, during which free cupcakes were given to attendees.

According to the museum, Justin had a role in the design of your wax figure in the four months of its creation. In March, Justin helped unveil his wax figure at Madame Tussauds in London (photos here). We both missed the mark.

The wax figure will only show up on 04 March.

Sources: Star Pulse

Justin Bieber Retweet Transplant Raises Hopes Of Women

Hottest musical export from Canada is using its status as a great success to help a woman in Ottawa waiting for a lung transplant in Toronto.

Last week Elena Campbell, 20, asked his friends to help her with a Twitter campaign to raise awareness about organ and tissue donation. Their ultimate goal was to get to Justin Bieber, in the hope that it would re-tweet your request for people to sign records of donations.

She chose Bieber because it is in Ontario and has a large following. "I think it is good to give knowledge to the younger generation and why not use social media to my advantage?" Said Campbell.

The Sabbath is not only granted this wish, but his Twitter directly with these words of encouragement:

"@ Alungstory I got the word ... has the same incredible strength. BeAnOrganDonor # u. I have," said Bieber Tweet, reaching its 16.5 million followers.

"I was very excited," he said, seeing his Twitter page on Saturday morning. "I jumped up and said, 'Mom, we did." The first thing he said was, 'Put oxygen again. 'I forgot to say, that's how excited I was. "

Even before Bieber jumped on the bandwagon, Campbell's campaign began to work in Ontario, Trillium Gift of Life Network, the provincial agency responsible for coordinating organ and tissue transplantation and donation, there was a increased access to records and their website beadonor.ca Thursday and Friday.

Once Bieber tweeted Campbell website, www.alungstory.ca, hits skyrocketed over the weekend and have continued, said Ronnie Gavsie, CEO of Trillium.

There have been more than 1,200 records from Thursday, while on a typical day is 50, Gavsie said. On an average day about 300 hits on the website, but there have been over 700 a day.

"We are surprised and very excited," said Gavsie.

Campbell's life has been a whirlwind since being diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in September. Last spring he spent six weeks studying Spanish in Spain, despite treat severe asthma for 12 years and increasing dyspnea. She backpack from England to Scotland in June. In July of his lungs collapsed.

Your doctor kept assuring him it was just asthma. "I kept pushing myself to keep up, because I thought it was out of shape and that's what it feels like asthma," he said.

In October, with lung function by 24 percent, he learned he would need a transplant and was officially listed on Wednesday. Lack of Campbell of breathing is clear and has frequent spells of coughing, but it breathes optimism.

"It's Robbie Burns Day and Campbell I am," he said Wednesday. "I'm very positive about it. I would do any good to think negatively."

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis causes scarring in the lungs. The cause is unknown, but it prevents the lungs exchange oxygen in the blood.

Campbell and his mother, who took an unpaid leave, he left his father, two sisters and a brother to move to Toronto, to be near the Toronto General Hospital - the only institution in the province with lung transplantation. They are living in an apartment near the hospital.

Campbell has written a blog on his website and has links with transplant organizations, along with a link for donations to help offset costs.

His five-minute video that is on the website is capturing the hearts of everyone and Campbell have heard from people as far away as Germany. Bieber's participation has made it a bit of a cause celebre and has received Jann Arden tweets Canadian musicians, nudes Naked Ladies, Bif Naked and Paul Brandt. All have retweeted your request.

But she is not resting on its success. "I'm trying to think what will be my next hearing to enable a campaign to come," he said. "It was very positive. Perhaps Hockey Night in Canada."

Bieber's story hit the Hollywood Reporter and TMZ.

Awareness is important everywhere, he said. "We are fortunate enough in Canada to have a large health system and the technology to do are just missing organs. With the awareness to be raised, help," he said.

Gavsie Campbell praised the courage, optimism and wisdom in touch with Bieber. "Someone of his age comes his friends and influences, the influence of their parents and it is this sort of domino effect that we see these kinds of increases in the record," he said.

And while Campbell is immediate need - along with another 1,500 waiting for an organ donation to save lives at any time, in Ontario, as well as thousands of people waiting for tissue transplants - also is happy that her campaign will have a impact on the future.

"It's something that 40 years from now, everyone who signed today or tomorrow could help someone like me a second chance."

His five-minute video that is on the website is capturing the hearts of everyone and Campbell have heard from people as far away as Germany. Bieber's participation has made it a bit of a cause celebre and has received Jann Arden tweets Canadian musicians, nudes Naked Ladies, Bif Naked and Paul Brandt. All have retweeted your request.

But she is not resting on its success. "I'm trying to think what will be my next hearing to enable a campaign to come," he said. "It was very positive. Perhaps Hockey Night in Canada."

Bieber's story hit the Hollywood Reporter and TMZ.

Awareness is important everywhere, he said. "We are fortunate enough in Canada to have a large health system and the technology to do are just missing organs. With the awareness to be raised, help," he said.

Gavsie Campbell praised the courage, optimism and wisdom in touch with Bieber. "Someone of his age comes his friends and influences, the influence of their parents and it is this sort of domino effect that we see these kinds of increases in the record," he said.

And while Campbell is immediate need - along with another 1,500 waiting for an organ donation to save lives at any time, in Ontario, as well as thousands of people waiting for tissue transplants - also is happy that her campaign will have a impact on the future.

"It's something that 40 years from now, everyone who signed today or tomorrow could help someone like me a second chance."

Sources: The Star

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Hottest Justin Bieber Shirtless Photos Revealed

Justin Bieber hordes of loyal fans just can not get enough of your physical increasingly started. As a celebrity website has compiled a list of the most worthy of baba JB shirtless photos. Which is hotter? It's a difficult choice.

As we all know true Beliebers, Justin Bieber loves taking random photos and post them online to your account Instagram. Needless to say that one of his favorite photographic subjects is himself, and some of his self-portraits have been done very well artistically. A photo as it is called the "sexiest JB Instagram pic ever." In it, Justin is standing, shirtless, next to a lake with hands in pockets, low riding reveal underwear, pants. His physique is particularly broken and defined, especially your abs. The shadow of chiaroscuro lighting makes this picture particularly romantic.

No one can forget the pictures of Justin Bieber shirt bikini frolicking with Selena Gomez last summer in Maui. JB spent most of the holiday wearing only a pair of white shorts with pictures. The Gomez was a lucky girl.

She was even more fortunate in an adorable photo of what appears to relax in a restaurant Jelena. Justin and Selena are sitting side by side on a couch. His legs are covered in your lap and is massaging her feet. Its expression is totally happy. Her boyfriend is, of course, topless, which is probably the reason.

The newest addition to the photo gallery Shirtless Justin Bieber was broken when JB was running on a pair of dark trousers low waist and nothing else during the last Mexican vacation with Selena. He is pulling the waistband of his shorts trying to avoid a wardrobe malfunction more important. Fortunately for the fans love, his attempts were futile.

Of course, some of the principles of candid shots of shirtless Justin were adorable sexy. There is one of a young Biebs hanging on the beach, blue pants and top not. Another photo shows an equally youthful mischief JB sneak a bus wearing only a pair of sagging pants that reveal not only their (already) chiseled abs but his underwear. Finally, at the opposite end of the spectrum is another picture of self-Instagram broke. Dressed only in jeans and a pair of blue underwear, Justin is lying on her back showing not only his abdomen, but her denim covered crotch.

Sources: Celebs Gather

Selena Gomez Spends Time With Taylor Swift Major Girl: No Justin Bieber!

Selena Gomez may be a hot topic of boyfriend Justin Bieber, but even she needs its own version of a girl's night only. And recent female meet, it was actually quite full of stars, romance. Gomez met with five friends, including bestie and fellow pop sensation Taylor Swift and other pop tart JoJo, to spend quality time together.

In one adorable photo of Twitter Posted by JoJo, the girls are putting their best face and posing for the camera. It's pretty bold alignment with Jo launch a similar model to look sensual, Swift showing her million dollar smile girl next door and Gomez (on a good flirty leopard print top) banging his hand on her hip and wrinkles with a lot of the attitude of mind. Bieber approve! One of the girls in the picture even appears to be channeling their inner or trends Twilight Vampire Diaries, with his pale complexion, black hair and a little scary, open-mouthed expression ... maybe the camera was taken at the wrong time! Perez Hilton is the group photo here.

While it is unclear where Selena Gomez and his brigade were only girls or what their exact plans are, it seems to be established to carry a lot of fun. And, apart from her boyfriend Justin Bieber, other BFF Gomez (Baylor your dog!) Apparently also missed the girl's night out. Maybe next time the pets and / or boyfriends will be allowed! Probably not, though, especially since problems such tumultuous Taylor Swift.

But it's all about balance, and Selena Gomez has not left Justin Bieber in the dust. I recently spent a lot of Q.T. with him, as the couple enjoyed a romantic date in the happiest place on Earth, Disneyland. While Gomez and Bieber did, of course, attend to their inner child in the side theme park (rides, games, characters from Disney-size!), But also delivers some very adult PDA, kisses the door of the refrigerator the Jamba Juice. Now that's something to gossip about brides!

Justin Bieber Ignores Plea Organ Donor

Justin Bieber asked to Retweet a message in support of organ donation yesterday, but has not done. Despite its lack of support, Elena Campbell is satisfied with the attention to their cause brought together.

The 20-year-old appealed to the charitable nature of Justin and asked Twitter to support organ donation. The singer has not done so far, but does anyone in his camp. Elena is grateful for any support to their cause. She tells the Ottawa Citizen, "The fact that Dan Kanter said something is really cool." She admits that her hopes were raised after Kanter tweets, and Justin was positive answer to his call. He did not.
In fact, Justin has been fairly quiet on the social networking site. Celebrities have to be very careful what you say or tweet. The audience is a group delicate and may be some who do not like the idea of organ donation. Elena is a known risk Justin must weigh carefully.

Justin does not have jumped aboard the campaign, however, but there were several others who did. Several Canadian politicians Twitter support, which may have led to a sharp increase in visits to the Canadian site beadonor,. The director of the site reveals 326 people registered as organ donors yesterday. Compared to the 50 or so normally get, the idea of Helene worked.

Imagine if Twitter decides to support Justin. It can handle the massive recovery site in visits? It would be tragic crash site when 16 million followers, as well as Justin tried to register.

It might be more appropriate to ask Lady Gaga to help. The legal age of consent to become an organ donor is 16. Given the average age of a fan of Justin Bieber, which eliminates at least half of its 16 million fans.

Sources: celebs gather

Friday, 20 January 2012

'American Idol' Talk Eben Franckewitz Whether Justin Bieber Look-Alike

'American Idol' contestant Eben Franckewitz, who hails from Ohio, the stones ever popular side flew Justin Bieber bangs. It was a fact, the teenager quickly recognized, when he walked into his audition in Pittsburgh today episode of "Idol."

When Eben opened his mouth to sing Bill Withers' pretty grim another tune, "Do not No Sunshine», he showed pretty nice, high register, and ultimately an interesting voice. Eben, of course, has a natural, God-given ability to sing. Some people are just born with him, and Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler think Eben is one of those blessed people, and it was unanimously upward flow.

It was a nice touch to the producers to play Biebs' hit 'Baby' after Eben revealed that he got his golden ticket and go to the next round in Hollywood. His family was waiting outside the door listening with colorful posters to show off his name. Oh, how cute. He had his own personal cheerleading section of the team and cheering!

Mom is super friendly Eben and in the pre-audition segment, we looked at her to tell him that other candidates do their thing and make sure to do "thing Eben" when it is his turn. Great advice, Ma Franckewitz.

              Hours Eben Franckewitz Run "Is not No Sunshine 'on' American Idol '

Sources:Pop Crush
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